A 6-month program for radical personal transformation

Learn to live with a greater level of awareness, enabling you to create the life you desire much more easily and effectively.

The Life Mastery Program™ starts on March 2, 2023.

Sessions will happen every Wednesday for 26 weeks.

If you know deep down you want something more out of life, but don’t know where to begin…

If you’ve tried to make changes in the past, without

sustainable results…

If you have a specific goal or dream, but don’t know how to achieve it ...

If you know deep down you want something more out of life, but don’t know where to begin…

If you’ve tried to make changes in the past, without

sustainable results…

If you have a specific goal or dream, but don’t know how to achieve it ...

I have some incredible news for you! You CAN achieve anything you seriously want.


The realization of a goal or dream is NOT a complicated process. In fact, it is a simple mathematical equation as straightforward and reliable as 2 + 2 = 4.

A simple matter of cause and effect. Solely changing your behaviors in order to change results is a very slow and potentially painful way to reach what will, at best, be a temporary solution.

If you really want to make a change in your life, you need to go deeper. If you want different results, you need to ignite change at the level where results are created in the first place — you need to change your thinking. When you change your thinking, achieving your goal not only becomes possible or probable…

it becomes INEVITABLE!

Be more. DO more. HAVE more. Starting Today!

Life Mastery™ is a one-of-a-kind program based on 50 years of intensive research into the art and science of personal success – what really makes successful people successful in all areas of their life.

Developed by world-renowned success expert Mary Morrissey, it is the most powerful and innovative process available today for quickly and permanently transforming ANY goal, dream or desire into reality.

This simple, yet highly effective, step-by-step program will empower you to:

Crystallize your goal into a powerful vision.

A weak goal creates weak results. And no goal, or not knowing how to achieve a goal, keeps us stuck. But a powerful vision in alignment with your core values, joyfully formed and strategically expressed, is the first and most critical step in creating the results you want.

Install your vision at the deepest levels of your mind.

Every outcome you experience in life, good or bad, is the direct result of your thoughts – those you are conscious of and, more importantly, those you are not. Align your conscious and subconscious mind in service of your vision, and it will materialize with amazing speed.

Harmonize your vision with the natural laws of the Universe.

The Universe is alive with forces designed to deliver to you whatever you truly desire. Harmonize your clearly, fully aligned vision with the natural flow of these forces, then prepare yourself for an influx of opportunity and abundance unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

A 6-month program for radical personal transformation

Life Mastery™ offers a comprehensive consultant-guided curriculum to assist you in developing the personal empowerment required for creating positive, profound, and permanent change in any area of life, including:

Life Mastery™ offers a comprehensive consultant-guided curriculum to assist you in developing the personal empowerment required for creating positive, profound, and permanent change in any area of life, including:

Wealth Creation

Improved Health and Vitality

Weight Release

Improved Personal Relationships

A New Home

Debt Elimination

Job Promotion


The Life Mastery ™ Program 6-Month Curriculum

In the Life Mastery Program™ , you learn to establish a higher level of effectiveness and fulfillment in each of the 6 pillars of Life Mastery™.


Mastery in Love

Week 1 - Loving Relationships

Week 2 - Loving Through Forgiveness

Week 3 - Opening to Love’s Flow

Week 4 - Expanding Into More Love


Mastery in Transformation

Week 1 - Making Peace Within Ourselves

Week 2 - Becoming a Vibrational Match to Our Image

Week 3 - Developing Our Capacity for Transformation

Week 4 - Thinking for Transformation


Mastery in Intention

Week 1 - Consciously Setting Your Intention

Week 2 - Going for the Breakthrough

Week 3 - Using Intention as an Empowerment Practice

Week 4 - Living In Harmony with Your Intention


Mastery in Health

Week 1 - Being In Harmony with Your Authentic Self

Week 2 - Learning to Stretch

Week 3 - Aligning Your Mind with Well-Being

Week 4 - Learning to Nurture Our Bodies


Mastery in Abundance

Week 1 - Awareness In Abundance

Week 2 - A Vision of Abundance.

Week 3 - Being a Person of Increase

Week 4 - Learning to Live In Harmony with the Laws of the Universe


Mastery in Manifestation

Week 1 - Becoming a Conscious Manifestor

Week 2 - Feed Your Faith, Starve Your Fear

Week 3 - Increasing Your Effectiveness In Manifestation

Week 4 - Gratitude: The Frequency of Manifestation

The best part of Life Mastery™ is that you learn to live with a greater level of awareness, enabling you to create the life you desire much more easily and effectively.

The Life Mastery ™ Program 6-Month Curriculum

In the Life Mastery Program™ , you learn to establish a higher level of effectiveness and fulfillment in each of the 6 pillars of Life Mastery™.


Mastery in Love

Week 1 - Loving Relationships

Week 2 - Loving Through Forgiveness

Week 3 - Opening to Love’s Flow

Week 4 - Expanding Into More Love


Mastery in Transformation

Week 1 - Making Peace Within Ourselves

Week 2 - Becoming a Vibrational Match to Our Image

Week 3 - Developing Our Capacity for Transformation

Week 4 - Thinking for Transformation


Mastery in Intention

Week 1 - Consciously Setting Your Intention

Week 2 - Becoming a Vibrational Match to Our Image

Week 3 - Developing Our Capacity for Transformation

Week 4 - Thinking for Transformation


Mastery in Health

Week 1 - Being In Harmony with Your Authentic Self

Week 2 - Learning to Stretch

Week 3 - Aligning Your Mind with Well-Being

Week 4 - Learning to Nurture Our Bodies


Mastery in Abundance

Week 1 - Awareness In Abundance

Week 2 - A Vision of Abundance.

Week 3 - Being a Person of Increase

Week 4 - Learning to Live In Harmony with the Laws of the Universe


Mastery in Manifestation

Week 1 - Becoming a Conscious Manifestor

Week 2 - Feed Your Faith, Starve Your Fear

Week 3 - Increasing Your Effectiveness In Manifestation

The best part of Life Mastery™ is that you learn to live with a greater level of awareness, enabling you to create the life you desire much more easily and effectively.

Why is Life Mastery™ so extraordinarily effective?

Immediate Impact

You will immediately see the benefits of the Life Mastery ™ program at work in your life. Each week’s lesson is designed to reprogram your conscious and subconscious mind for success. As you learn, your Life Mastery™ skills grow. In fact, you will quickly find yourself easily making the changes you need to get the results you want.

Strategic Repetition

The impact of each individual phase in the Life Mastery™ program is maximized via the power of repetition – the first and most important law of learning – which causes a fundamental alteration of the mental processes that create your results. Through this targeted repetition, you will QUICKLY and AUTOMATICALLY form the habits that lead to life-long transformation.

Lifelong Application

With each new goal you realize, you’ll find yourself aspiring to higher levels of achievement and fulfillment. Your desire to be, do and have more will never diminish – and neither will the power of the Life Mastery™ program. With it, you will permanently possess the power to get anything you truly want, in any area of your life, for the rest of your life.

What past students say about the Life Mastery™ program

The transformation begins the moment you start the program.

The powerful six-month Life Mastery™ program provides the tools to accelerate your progress and enhance your results with:

  • 60 Minute Weekly Life Mastery™ Class – Access a Mastery-Level of teaching, inspiration, connection and support!

  • Laser Coaching – Receive answers to your burning questions, strategies to overcome your limiting beliefs, and accountability to help you stay the course.

  • A Complete Program Workbook – Discover special solutions and methods on how you can apply Life Mastery™ tools directly to your life and your dreams.

  • Guided Meditations – Receive a daily dose of inspiration, peace of mind, and motivation to help guide you back to yourself and to what’s most important to you.

  • Archived Recordings of Each Week’s Lesson

Where could you be six-months from now?

The answer will astonish you.

Whether you know exactly what you want to achieve, or simply know that you want something more than you currently have, Life Mastery ™ will open your mind to all you are capable of achieving … then empower you to do it.

Decide right now to astonish yourself…

with what you can do,

with what you can have,

with who you can become.

When you embark on the journey of Life Mastery™, you move from where you are in life to where you really want to be.

A 6-month program for radical personal transformation

Learn to live with a greater level of awareness, enabling you to create the life you desire much more easily and effectively.

Life Mastery Program starts on March 2 2023! Reserve your spot now!

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